Prof. Vitale Paolo
the founder in 1960 of our Law Firm in Rome, was born in Ragusa (Italy), in 1929.
He was the first Professor to teach Banking Law at “La Sapienza” University of Rome Law School (Italy) in 1982.
Prof. Paolo Vitale prematurely and suddenly died in 1983, after having been just appointed to act as a member of the Italian Government Committee in charge of reviewing the Italian Banking Law.
Professional experience
Qualified as Italian attorney in 1958.
Of Counsel during more than 30 years to the Italian Association “Luigi Luzzatti” of Cooperative Banks.
J.D. graduated summa cum laude, University of Catania Law School (Italy).
Specialised in Commercial Law at the University of Cologne (Germany).
University Professor
Assistant Professor of Commercial Law (La Sapienza University Law School, Rome, 1962-1965);
Professor of Banking, Securities Regulations and Savings Laws (Siena University School of Economy and Banking Sciences, 1966-1976);
Professor of Commercial Law (University of Florence Law School, 1976-1982);
Professor of Banking Law (La Sapienza University Law School, Rome, 1982).
Practice areas
Italian Banking, Commercial, Stock-Exchange and Securities laws.
Author of several books and articles on Italian Banking and Commercial Laws:
“A monte del problema dei salvataggi bancari: funzione bancaria e responsabilità contrattuale della banca”, in Problemi attuali dell’impresa in crisi – Studi in onore di Giuseppe Ferri (Padua, 1983, co-author);
“Funzione bancaria e responsabilità contrattuale della banca”, in Funzione Bancaria – Rischio e Responsabilità della Banca (Milan, 1981, co-author); “Pubblico e Privato nell’Ordinamento Bancario” (Milan, 1977);
“L’ordinamento del credito fra due crisi [1929/1973]” (Bologna, 1977, co-author);
“Ordinamento del credito e finanziamento dell’economia” (Milan, 1976, co-author);
“L’assegno come ordine” (Milan, 1961);
“Fondamento e limiti della libertà del banchiere nel pagamento degli assegni bancari” (Milan, 1959).